Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Stop the Grinch: Let’s Talk Prevention

Holiday Shoppers at Barton Creek Mall, Austin, TX.
The holidays are in full swing. Like most, you’ll be out and about shopping and visiting family and friends. Criminals will also be out enjoying the holiday season too but not for spiritual or sentimental reasons. Instead, this is a time of year that criminals hunt distracted and unsuspecting victims.

The Grinch does exist. Too often, this time of year we hear horror stories of armed robbers sticking up shoppers and forcing their way into homes.

It’s no secret that between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day most cities see a slight uptick in thefts and burglaries. In South Texas, a women was awakened early one morning around 2 a.m. to find two hooded men grabbing gifts from under the Christmas tree.

Tim Jackson, a veteran Texas Ranger, says that criminals are basically cowards and opportunists. “As cowards they prey on those they perceive to be weak or break into homes or businesses where they think they won’t be confronted.”

To prevent thieves from ruining your Christmas there are some really simple crime prevention measure you can take.

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